They say that in the next 100 years, redheads will be extinct. (See the assumption here. I love how the article says that we were created by a mutation. So, that technically makes me an X-men, right?)
Rather than "going green" or "recycling", I decided to save our beloved planet earth by populating it with redheads, and therefore keeping the redhead gene alive. (If I was one of Captain Planet's Planeteer's, my element power ring would be "Ginger". GO PLANET!)
Fortunately, I have red hair:
Unfortunately, no one in my family has red hair:
Fortunately, I married into a family that has plenty of redheads:
Unfortunately, my own husband does not have red hair:
(Actually, I really should give William some credit. Technically, he does have red hair but only in his beard. As much as I want our daughter to have red hair, that red-beard gene would be VERY unfortunate.)
I think the odds are FOR the redhead gene...right? We'll just have to see on March 12th.
In other unrelated news, here's a true story: Chubbs ran away, was gone for 6+ hours, and was found in Ahwatukee. That's all I'm going to say about that.
I'll just let you fill in the holes of that story by leaving this photo: