Monday, August 8, 2011

Greer Part I

This last weekend, my family went to our favorite spot in Arizona. We were supposed to go last June, but sadly the Wallow Fire took over. Luckily, Greer stayed intact and our vacation commenced. (We could see some damaged areas, but not enough to ruin the view.)

I'd love to tell all about our trip in one post, but there's too much to show.

So, I've split my Greer trip into parts.

Part 1 is scenery.

Isn't it amazing?! And to think, it's only 4 hours away!

Part 2 is called, "Grandma's Activities".

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been up there since the fire. I am so happy to see Greer is still beautiful as ever!! Lovely pictures by the way!
